Kristina Wong and Walter Santucci voice over recording session at ES Audio in Glendale, CA
Raccoon On Set The Raccoon waiting to go on stage and sing some opera...
Paul Roessler, Drew Stone, Walter Santucci voice over session at Kitten Robot Studios
Kristina Wong Kristina Wong voicing one of several characters in the film at ES Audio in Glendale, CA
FOO puppet reshoot Debbie Bounnoy working as Assistant Director as we did retakes of some of Foo's scenes at the Evil Cat studios...
Drew Stone legendary film director and hardcore musician Drew Stone doing the voice of "Orderly Bastard" at Kitten Robot Studios in Los Angeles.
Raccoon Opera Rehearsal Raccoon opera rehearsal at Company of Angels Theater in Los Angeles
stage one at the Evil Cat studios...
Satchmo and Foo on set at the Evil Cat studios...
More Puppet Retakes Cinematographer Randy Yap filming Satchmo retakes at the Evil Cat studios...
Raccoon Opera Rehearsal Raccoon opera rehearsal at Company of Angels Theater in Los Angeles
FOO puppet reshoot
Raccoon Head build, step 1 the basic foam skull with mouth rig built into it...
Raccoon Head build, step 2 Fur and snout on modified head...
Raccoon Head build, step 3 Eye patters, ears and nose added...
Raccoon Head build, step 4 Raccoon head and body with eyes added...
Raccoon Hands Raccoon hands under construction....